Lighthouse Camera Angles and Design Principals

 Closeup Shot: A shot that closely frames the subject matter.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Texture (Lighthouse) Informal Balance (Lighthouse being on the left as opposed to centered). Emphasis
 Bird's Eye Shot: A shot that is showing the subject matter from above.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Variety (The water vs the grass vs the lighthouse) Informal Balance.
 Extreme Closeup: A shot with high magnification.
Principals Of Design Used: Formal Balance (Equal on both sides) Unity (Similar color hues and tones) Proportion (Lighthouse is magnified) Emphasis (on the lighthouse light)
 Long (Establishing) Shot:  A shot that indicates setting and is taken from a distance.
Principals Of Design Used: Informal Balance (The framing of the lighthouse to the left as opposed to the center) Repetition (the rain) Unity (very similar textures and gray hues throughout the scene)
 Medium Shot: A shot in between long shot and closeup which shows some background.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Informal Balance (the lighthouse being to the left with negative space to the right) Texture (the lighthouse itself) Emphasis (your eyes focus on the lighthouse)
 Point Of View Shot: A shot taken as though through the eyes of someone.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Informal Balance, Texture (the water)
Eye Level Shot: A shot taken as though a human in viewing the scene.
Principals Of Design Used: Texture (grass, lighthouse, water) Repetition (the rain) Informal Balance (not the same on both sides) 
 Worm's Eye Shot: A shot taken from below.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Informal Balance (not framed symmetrically) Unity.
Over The Shoulder Shot: A shot of something taken as if from over someone's shoulder.
Principals Of Design Used: Repetition (the rain) Emphasis (the light) Informal Balance, Texture, Unity.

If I was to redo this assignment I would make my colors more vibrant and focus on the design principals more when framing my shots. I would also make sure to use more lights and less fog. The texture parts were easy but I found positioning the water and landscape confusing at times, and the rain did not always consistently appear in my renders and I had to redo some shots. The water's appearance was also confusing and when doing that reread the book multiple times.


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